Royal Academy Summer (not summer) Exhibition update
The lockdown did impact this year’s Royal Academy summer exhibition. They had to close the doors to the public twice. However – my work is listed alongside all the others in their online catalogue – which remains active throughout the year. There is also a 90 second video walkthrough of the entire exhibition. I like most others, I had to attend virtually. However, I am grateful that my sister was able to visit in person on my behalf.

Royal Academy – Summer Exhibition
I just found out that I made it through the final round of judging, and am now one of the final artists exhibiting in this years Royal Academy, summer exhibition, London, UK. This exhibition began 252 years ago and is the world’s largest open submission exhibition. From over 12,000 submissions they have selected out 1200 artists – and I am one of those artists this year! The exhibition is running from Oct 6, 2020 to Jan 3, 2021. For those not able to attend, there is an online catalogue available for browsing and purchasing. Check it out!